
Showing posts from September, 2021


  UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS           NDJ 30003 – ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION       LAB 2     EXPLORING THE ESP32 GPIOs     Prepared by: Ts. Ahmad Syahir Bin Ahmad Bakhit                     Name                :  IRFAN BIN RAMZAN                 Matrix No.        : 192020084                 Program           : COMPUTER ENGINEERING               Date                 : 29/9/2021 Unit 1 - ESP32 Digital Inputs and Outputs In this section, I had observed how the digital outputs can be controlled with the digital inputs. In this particular experiment, I use a button switch (digital input) to control the LED (digital output). Supposedly, when the button switch is pressed (HIGH) the LED will lights up (HIGH) and if button switch is not pressed (LOW) the LED will not lights up (LOW). As the switch button is pressed (HIGH), the LED will lights up (HIGH).   As the switch button is not pressed (LOW), the LED will not lights up (LOW). Conclusion In conclusion, the digital input can freely control


  UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS           NDJ 30003 – ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION       LAB 1     D’ARSONVAL GALVANOMETER     Prepared by: Ts. Ahmad Syahir Bin Ahmad Bakhit                    Name                  :   IRFAN BIN RAMZAN                Matrix No.        : 192020084                Program           : COMPUTER ENGINEERING              Date                   : 13/9/2021 OBJECTIVES To find the internal resistance and the current sensitivity of the galvanometer. INTRODUCTION The galvanometer contains a coil of wire in a magnetic field, which will experience a torque when a current passes through the wire of the coil.  The coil is attached to a pointer and a spring so that the amount of deflection of the pointer is proportional to the current in the wire of the coil. The value of the load resistor (R 1 ) will be set to a specified value and the potential difference provided by the power supply will be varied to obtain a full-s