

  LAB 4 - MINI PROJECT  TEMPERATURE SCANNING SYSTEM Introduction The main idea of this project is to develop an automatic temperature scanning system. The system is targeted to be set up at the front of a premise or business establishment. When a customer come, they have to measure their own body temperature using the system before stepping inside of the premise. If their temperature is below threshold, they may be given the permission to enter the premise without any restriction. However, if their body temperature exceeds the threshold, they may not enter the premise. The device is connected to a dashboard device on a smartphone via Wi-Fi connection to enable us to monitor the temperature reading.  Methodology Components : 1 x ESP32 DEVKIT V1 1 x  MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor 1 x  HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic Sensor 2 x  LEDs (Green & Red) 1 x Piezoelectric Buzzer 2 x 220 Ω Resistor 1 x 200 Ω Resistor 1 x Breadboard Software : Blynk Schematic  Figure 1: Temperature Scanning System Schemat


LAB 3: Blynk Application In this laboratory session, we will learn how to use the Blynk application which enable inventor to   to quickly build interfaces for controlling and monitoring their hardware projects  from their iOS and Android device. Setting up the Blynk 1.  Search for Blynk  on Google Play Store and install the application. 2.  You will have to create an account to proceed further. You can also log in with your Facebook account if you possess that. 3.  After you have successfully signed in the following window will appear. Click ‘New Project.’ 4. Now specify the name of your project, device and connection type. After that press the ‘Create’ button. 5. You will receive a notification regarding your Authorization token. This can be accessed from the email account you signed in with and also through Project Settings. 6. Now the Blynk canvas will open as shown below: 7. Press on the screen. The widget box will appear. Now we will build our project. Firstly, we will press the ‘


  UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS           NDJ 30003 – ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION       LAB 2     EXPLORING THE ESP32 GPIOs     Prepared by: Ts. Ahmad Syahir Bin Ahmad Bakhit                     Name                :  IRFAN BIN RAMZAN                 Matrix No.        : 192020084                 Program           : COMPUTER ENGINEERING               Date                 : 29/9/2021 Unit 1 - ESP32 Digital Inputs and Outputs In this section, I had observed how the digital outputs can be controlled with the digital inputs. In this particular experiment, I use a button switch (digital input) to control the LED (digital output). Supposedly, when the button switch is pressed (HIGH) the LED will lights up (HIGH) and if button switch is not pressed (LOW) the LED will not lights up (LOW). As the switch button is pressed (HIGH), the LED will lights up (HIGH).   As the switch button is not pressed (LOW), the LED will not lights up (LOW). Conclusion In conclusion, the digital input can freely control